Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Decision not up to AG

The Star, 8-July-08

Attorney General Ab Gani Patail will not be the one to decide whether to go ahead with prosecution if the ACA probe against him finds that there is a case, says Nazri Aziz.

Whatever said and done, nothing is seen yet. Nazri (or other) may say anything but it goes to show how absurd our systems is when the power to decide to prosecute (or not) is vested in one man, i.e. the AG; and now he himself is under probe.

If they are serious enough to redeem their lost credibility, suspend both the AG and IGP so that they can't meddle with the investigations. Take heed of what others from out of Malaysia are doing. No need the US. Just South Korea will do.

What is the probably scenario? Since there is already a public outcry, the ACA (or Government) would have no choice but to find that there is a case and thus he (together with the IGP) prosecuted. But………..again, the court would find them not guilty as the prosecution lacked evidence.

This is our very-own Malaysia-boleh mentality. Anything also can………….Take look at Yong Teck Lee and his SAPP. Yesterday, we have no confidence. Today, just wait and see first. Tomorrow, we have full confidence. Then the probe against him will be stopped or the ACA will say “there is no case”.

The outcomes are already pre-determined. The scripts are the same.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our politicians and top civil servant (UMNOlink) always think using their butt. They utter anything what they like. Always seems childish and unmatured. When reporter ask, they reply but nothing in their mind.......

Actually I have read your article about your dilemma as "Kelantan Chinese Peranakan" earlier through JEDYoong's blog. Now I know the original writer

Thanks for your generous to link your's to mine and perhaps mine to.


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