Sunday, July 6, 2008

Amusing Malaysia………..Part 2

Apa nak jadi............
Tak senang hati.......
Setiap hari..............
Tak henti-henti.......

Dendam dan dengki......
Sampai ke mati...........
Tak puas lagi........
Lubang kubur digali....

Apa nak jadiiiiii........
Aku pun tak reti…….
Biar semua mati……
Baru puas hatiiiii………

Malaysia has plumetted to its lowest elbs in its entire history. The happenings of late, were unacceptable to normal sane human comprehension. It’s inhuman. It’s insane. It’s disgusting. It stinks.

Are these happenings amusing enough?

1. P. Balasubramaniam, the PI who made 2 statutory declarations, went missing. By doing that, his credibility in being questioned. Nobody trusts him anymore. Maybe he’s being hidden by his protector somewhere. You know in Malaysia, anything is possible; and anything can happen to anybody. Truly amusing, isn’t it?

2. The AG and IGP, who are being investigated for suppression of facts during the Anwar’s saga are still on their jobs. How could their “machais” do their job if they still call the shot. Wouldn’t the IGP vet through the investigation papers before sending to the AG who has the absolute power whether to prosecute of not. Wouldn’t it make cow sense for the AG to decide to prosecute himself. How amusing?

3. Move aside all actors and actresses. Let’s give way to the arrogant, selfish, back-stabbing, mudslingering and greedy politicians. Their dramas are much better. They look very real. Aren’t they amusing?

4. Certain unscrupulous groups are planning a rally of 1 million people to protest against the fuel hike. What can they do? If they achieve the 1 million mark, will the fuel price goes down? This is unhealthy, as any demonstration or rally in a highly-tensed political and racial situation like now, needs only a small trigger to spark off racial clashes. What is more amusing is that the organisers are also in power in some parts in Malaysia?

5. With the emergence of Bala’s SDs, RPK’s SD, the sodomy things, the Saiful’s photo in Najib’s office, everybody backed down from focussing on Pak Lah. How come? Some theories may be true. Amusing, isn’t it?

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