Monday, July 14, 2008

Barisan can win big in next polls, says Pak Lah

The Star, 13-July-2008

PM Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has confidence that Malaysians can help BN win big in the next general election similar to the 2004 historical victory.

He also stated that the disaster of the March general election was a blessing in disguise, adding that there was a lesson to be learnt.


An open letter to Pak Lah

Dear Pak Lah,

On 13-July-2008, the Star reported that you had the confidence that Malaysians could help BN win big in the next general election similar to the 2004 historical victory.

It also reported that you said the disaster of the March general election was a blessing in disguise, adding that there was a lesson to be learnt.

Well, as a concerned rakyat, I’m pleased that you have learnt your lesson well; and have come to your senses.

I guess BN could win it big in the next general election if you could implement these 15 point- memorandum. Otherwise forget it. Don’t even think of winning it big, BN will be wiped out completely.

1. If you do not want to listen to your cabinet ministers and their officers, never mind as they are as dumb, but not to the 2 K (Khairy and Kallimulah) and the 4th floor boys. At least listen to your advisers who are subject matter experts. Who are the 2Ks compared to the Science Adviser and Economic Adviser?

2. The country integrity rating is dropping. Why? Because the entire police force, immigration department, road transport department and custom department are infected by corrupt officers. Not only them. The state government departments are no different. The entire government machinery is corrupted. Do something before it gets worse. Stop the “Malaysia boleh” tag. Stop them from further enriching themselves and giving the country a real bad name.

3. The Judiciary’s image has been badly tarnished after the exposure of the VK Lingam video. Do something. Form a judicial commission to look into the allegations against them. At least the public perception of their integrity can be restored. And don’t interfere anymore after that.

4. How could the ACA and AG chambers be directly under you? Meaning you could tell the ACA who to investigate; and the AG who to prosecute? No wander many of your political foes and those who do not toe your line get silenced. Where is their independence? Let them be answerable to the public. Place them directly under the Parliament.

5. Repel the draconian laws such as the ISA, which empowers the government to detain people without trial. The other existing laws are sufficient. If anybody flouts the law, charge them. Let the laws decide.

6. Change your attitude towards the Pakatan-controlled states. Let them do their job of governing. Stop sabotaging them but support them instead. Pamper them. Be nice to them. Continue the federal allocation to them. Then the rakyat perception towards the Federal government would be different.

7. Drop the big name racists who had contributed to UMNO’s all-time low reputation such as Ali Rustam (who asked Keyveas to get back to India); Hishamuddin Tun Hussein (of the keris-unsheating fame); Nazri Aziz (the most arrogant and racist Minister); and Adnan Yaacob (the chief gangster of Pahang who is used to use vulgar words and hand gesture). And Khairy is also on the list.

8. Drop state leaders who have turned the states into their own empire. Does Sarawak belong to Taib Mahmud and Sabah to Musa Aman? How come Taib and his family members and machais have interests in you-name-what business? They are controlling the state economy. And Musa Aman as well. Dubbed the root of all Sabah’s ills), this iron-fisted ruler and his machais are controlling Sabah’s economy by disregarding the rakyat’s welfare. The more Sabah is alienated by the Federal, the better for him. Whatever discontentment SAPP’s Yong Teck Lee, Bernard Dompak and the others may have with the Federal government, he and his machais stand to gain.

9. Appoint leaders with impeccable integrity to helm state UMNO and dropping questionable characters such as Annuar Musa (being probed for graft involving the fund for the hardcore poor); and Muhammad Taib Muhammad (of the “I-don’t-read-English” fame for money smuggling in Australia) from helming Kelantan UMNO and Selangor UMNO respectively. UMNO is not lacking in leaders with impeccable integrity and well-liked characters.

10. Foul-mouthed, arrogant and kid-like MPs like Bung Mukhtar and Said Yusof must not be in Parliament in the first place. What did they contribute to the nation building other than thumbing tables, heckling opposition MPs, interrupting opposition MPs from speaking, calling names, exclaiming mabuk kuasa, bodoh, gila, kurang ajar et el . It’s a shame to see how some of them behave. They not only waste Parliament time, but also waste the rakyat money. Candidates for the next election must be screened to rid not only those with criminal and corrupt background but also those with low moral values. Make education one of the main criteria of selection.

11. Advise (or even force) Samy Vellu (the cockiest ex-Minister who did no wrong) to step down from helming MIC. Samy has been in power far too long, so much so that MIC is Samy; and Samy is MIC. Members are getting disgruntled and fed up as he has not done enough for the Indian community. What has he done to improve the standards of living of the Indian community in general? One may see that the vast majority of them are living in the slump and estates. No doubt it’s not that bad compared to 30 years ago, but compared to other races, they are far behind. Only now, with the emergence of Hindraf, this Tok Sami is talking about the Indian community. MIC needs rebranding and new leadership, otherwise MIC may someday acts like SAPP.

12. Advise MCA to drop the its business-party tag and adopt a more Chinese at-large party tag. What has MCA done besides fighting for business opportunities for the Chinese? What do lay members from the villages get? Have their standards of living improve? Even they have, it is not MCA’s doings. Compare that to the business community. Otherwise MCA will become irrelevant someday.

13. UMNO leaders must shed the arrogant, cocky and difficult-to-approach tag. Back then when Kelantan was under UMNO, everything cannot be done. Everything must follow procedures and protocol. They simply shrugged you off. You can’t meet them without appointment, even with small time leaders. Even with appointments, one is lucky to get to meet these not-so-high ranking officials. Those days, you don’t always see them, except during election time.

On the other side, take a look at PAS leaders. They don’t shoo away members of the public wanting to see them. They are very approachable. Even without an appointment, Tok Guru Nik Aziz would find time to see anyone wanting to see him.

14. Be serious in your quest, if you have one, to eradicate corruption; and its first cousin, cronyism. And more importantly, it must be done without fear or favour. But it’s coincidental that many high profile cases being investigated resulted in “no case”, whereareas small cases involving police constables or corporals are bring brought to courts. Amend the laws. Enhance the penalty for both the “giver” and “taker”. For a start, you may want to start with your own family members first.

15. Last but not least, manage the country with the help of your cabinet ministers and their officers, not by what is often referred to as Kerajaan Tiga Beranak.

Just-My Thots
Subang Jaya.

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