Monday, March 9, 2009

Jom Demo

Cops foil march to Istana

For once, the IGP Tan Sri Musa Hassan talks sense.

But Tan Sri, was there a need for teargas? Did they get rowdy? Did they go on rampage, destroying public and private properties? I don't know because I was not there and will never be there.

This demo thing is very disturbing.

I posted about this demo thing earlier. See here.

Popularized by Brother Anwar Bin Ibrahim, it is fast becoming “the way” of showing support for something or displaying rejection over something.

I do not know what you people out there think about this demo thing, which is slowly but surely creeping into our culture, but I for one, would never condone this demo thing, be it in support of the government or against it, be it in support of the opposition or against it. .

Demo is certainly not the way out. It is certainly not a show of support nor a show of power.

It is very worrying to see people joyfully taking parts in demo after demo, as though demos are some forms of funfairs, where people of common interest gather and have fun.

It is even more worrying to see young people taking parts in this cheap show, as if this is part of growing-up education or parenting older people are trying to instill in them.

Many of these people are “mat rempits” who know nothing why they are demonstrating about. Certainly people like them just want to have fun. They would joyfully but blindly jump in whenever there is a call for ”Jom Demo”.

I do not know if these people know what it means by demonstrating.
Demonstrating means baring your a**e to the public

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sivakumar, you never learn !!!

On March 3, I posted a Message to Sivakumar: You'll never win this war.

I said, among others,

"You're not fighting BN (read: Umno) only. You are also up against all the mights they can muster at their disposal. You're fighting the entire government machinery. The police are against you...........the public servants are against you.....the Assembly secretary.....the state legal advisor............ the Ipoh high court judge....."

It's not that I'm against you. As a strong proponent of democracy, I'm solidly behind you but your effort is futile at this moment in time.

Do you think the court will side you? Which judge is on your side now? Even there is, do you think he'll be given the opportunity to preside over your case?

Look, now the police and MACC are questioning you for convening the State Assembly under the tree. You're at their mercy now.

Save your energy. Save your effort. Let Mohd Nizar vs Dr Zambry's case be heard first. Obviously Mohd Nizar would not win (unless Pak Lah and Najib want to restore some of Umno's lost pride and dignity).

Let's pray hard fo the Sultan to come to his senses to dissolve the State Assembly due to the political impasse Perak is now facing.

Another alternative is to let time heals. Is the next election too long a time to wait?

I'm not asking you to give up, but be patient.

Kedah seeks royal immunity

The Kedah Royal Household Association will ask the Conference of Rulers to seek the restoration of immunity for the Rulers.

Association president Tengku Datuk Zainol Rashid Tengku Yahya said this was to ensure that certain parties did not belittle the Rulers, who are the pillars and protectors of the strength of the Malays.

If immunity is restored, the issue of mocking the Malay Rulers will probably not arise

I don’t mean to be rude or "derhaka", Tengku but if I may ask, “what immunity?”. Immunity from being sued in court?

Since Dr Mahathir “took away” their immunity, how many Rulers were brought to court?

Even there are, but look carefully into the reasons for such action.

What the Malay Rulers need now is not immunity. What the Malay Rulers need now is to act with propriety. That’s all. Everybody, including the Rulers, is expected to behave with decorum.

No law-abiding citizen has been brought to court yet.

Actually what the Malay Rulers also need now is “respect”, not LES MAJESTE. With proper behaviour and action, the rulers would be respected more than an ordinary rakyat.

Surely if they earn the respect, the issue of mocking the Malay Rulers will probably not arise.

Why after polls, Mr. Semi Value

MIC President Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu has along list of projects to tackle for the people of Bukit Selambau, the party’s former stronghold.

He said the projects involved the construction and repairing of drains, houses and roads.

But they will only be carried out after the Bukit Selambau by-election on April 7

Ha...ha.....what a joke, Samy?

Question is why after the polls. Why not now and why not before.

It goes to say that Samy Vellu has done NOTHING for the people of Bukit Selambau in his umpteen years as MIC President and Cabinet Minister.

That is it.

That’s why the people of Bukit Selambau must reject whoever Mr Semi Value puts up comes April 7.

Samy is a gone-case already la.

Umno Perak kecut hadapi PR di Perak

UMNO kecut hadapi PR di Perak. Itulah tanggapan ramai, termasuklah seorang politikus Umno Perak. Katanya sentimen anti-Umno begitu memuncak. Rata-rata rakyat telah naik muak dan jelak dengan tingkahlaku Umno yang dikatakan tidak memberi ruang langsung kepada kerajaan PR untuk memerintah.

Dari dulu lagi apabila kerajaan campuran PAS-DAP-PKR ditubuhkan, tidak habis-habis Umno menggunakan taktik kotor - taktik "cah keting" untuk memporakporandakan kerajaan PR.

Bermula dengan acara lompat pagar yang melibatkan beberapa ekor katak peliharaan, ramai yang berpendapat BN/Umno tidak akan dapat menandingi PR secara gentleman. Sebab itulah Umno terpaksa menghadapi PR dengan taktik-taktik kotornya.

Umno dikatakan macam gila talak. Umno dikatanya tidak rela Perak dicina butakan oleh PR, biar pun untuk sepenggal. Segala tindakan kerajaan campuran PAS-DAP-PKR akan disabotaj.

Katanya selepas pilihanraya, rakyat berharap untuk memberi masa kepada kerajaan PR untuk memenuhi janji-janjinya dalam manifesto pilihanraya. Jika ia gagal, katanya, PR akan ditolak dalam pilihanraya yang akan datang kerana gagal mengotakan janji-janjinya.

Namun belum sempat kerajaan PR berbuat apa-apa, timbul usaha-usaha dengki Najib dan dibantu oleh Dr. Zamri untuk mensabotaj PR.

Oleh itu tidak hairanlah apabila kini saya melihat apa yang terjadi di Perak sekarang. Segala perbuatan terkutuk Umno umpama mensabotaj “cina buta” yang telah mengahwini (memerintah) Perak (bekas isteri Umno yang diceraikan dengan talak tiga) secara sah.

Sejak acara lompat berpagar untuk katak-katak peliharaan Umno di Perak, banyak sekali insiden-insiden sabotaj yang dilakukan oleh Umno di Perak yang pastinya akan memualkan lagi Umno di mata rakyat Perak.
  • Keputusan Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya tidak mengiktiraf keputusan Sivakumar yang mengistiharkan kekosongan 3 kerusi DUN.
  • Penutupan Bangunan S/U Kerjaaan bagi menghalang Sivakumar daripada mengadakan persidangan DUN Perak.
  • Tindakan Setiausaha DUN Abdullah “Luntong” Sabri yang engkar kepada arahan Sivakumar untuk menghantar notis persidangan dewan.
  • Tindakan S/U Kerajaan dan Penasihat Undang-undang Negeri yang terang-terang berpihak kepada Umno.
  • Tindakan Ketua Polis Negeri yang menghalang Sivakumar daripada mengadakan persidangan DUN di Bangunan Kerajaan.
  • Tindakan Umno yang mendapat perintah mahkamah bagi menghalang Sivakumar daripada mengadakan persidangan DUN Perak.
  • Tingkahlaku Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman Ipoh yang menghalang Sivakumar diwakili oleh peguam-peguamnya.
  • Tindakan polis menyoalsiasat Sivakumar dan beberapa orang wakil rakyat kerana mengadakan persidangan DUN Perak yang didakwa tidak sah.
  • Tindakan MACC yang menyoalsiasat Sivakumar kerana didakwa menyalahguna kuasanya sebagai Speaker untuk mengadakan persidangan DUN Perak yang didakwa tidak sah.

Kesemua tindakan mahkamah, penyiasatan polis dan penyiasatan MACC ini tiada motif lain kecuali untuk melumpuhkan PR.

Jika inilah taktik Umno untuk terus berkuasa, maka tibalah masanya rakyat negeri Perak untuk membuat pilihan yang bijak pada pilihanraya yang akan datang. Berdosa besar sesiapa yang memilih pemerintah yang diketahui tidak jujur, tamak haloba, jahat dan berhati busuk .

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Ampun Tuanku

Ampun Tuanku
Beribu-ribu ampun

Sebagai seorang rakyat yang cintakan keamanan, patik yang hina ini ingin merayu kepada Ke Bawah Duli Tuanku menggunakan kebijaksanaan Tuanku untuk membubarkan Dewan Undangan Negri Perak.

Keadaan di Perak sekarang amat genting sekali. Keadaan kucar kacir jadinya. Rakyat kecelaruan, ibarat anak-anak ayam kehilangan ibu. Tidak tahu siapa yang memerintah dan siapa yang berkuasa. Jentera kerajaan terhenti.

Kedua-dua pihak masing-masing tidak mahu mengalah. Kedua-duanya mengaku sebagai kerajaan yang sah.

Keadaan ini tidak baik untuk rakyat Perak khususnya. Keadaan ini amat memalukan, seolah-olah kita ini tidak bertamaddun langsung.

Patih yang hina ini, menyusun jari sepuluh memohon kepada Ke Bawah Duli Tuanku, sebagai Sultan Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan, untuk membubarkan saja Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak agar satu keputusan mutlak diperolehi, agar dapat memulihkan kepercayaan rakyat kepada kerajaan sah yang dipilih mereka.

Ampun Tuanku. Besarlah harapan patih agar Ke Bawah Duli Tuanku perkenankan permintaan patih yang hina ini.

Ampun Tuanku.

Perak's People Parliament in session

It's truly Perak's People Parliament (borrowing Harris Ibrahim's phrase) in session. Locked out from its usual state secretariat, the assembly sitting was held under a raintree in an empty space not far away.

However, its legality would definitely be questioned. Umno's lapdogs would definitely say it's illegal; while PR's diehard fans would say it is.

Well, let's fast-forward a few chapters in Perak annals and see what would happen next.
  1. The matter would end up in court.
  2. The court (kangaroo) would rule in favour on BN (read: Umno).
  3. Dr Zambri and his 6 Exco members would be reinstated.
  4. Sivakumar would be indicted and sent behind bars (as a hero to many).
  5. End of Mohd Nizar.
  6. BN (read: Umno) continues to rule.
  7. Next election, PR would be wiped out completely (don't underestimate Umno's capability to.......).
  8. BN (read: Umno) gets no better, becomes more arrogant, money politics intensified and corrupt adminsitration is the rule of the game.
  9. Economy slumps further.
  10. We, Malaysians continue to suffer and suffer.

Whatever it's, don't look down the People's Parliament assembly under a raintree. Many historic incidents happened under the trees. The Buddha attained his enlightenment under a bodhi tree. Melaka was founded under the pokok melaka.

Having said that, it would definitely potray a negative image, in the eyes of the world, of us Malaysians - how could the People's Parliament be allowed to convene under a tree? Are we Malaysians that uncivilized? Are we Malaysians so cruel? Are we Malaysians have no sense (not even cow sense)?

Another minus point for Malaysia.

But who cares, huh? Do Pak Lah and Najib care? Definitely NOT. Only we, concerned Malaysians do.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Message to Sivakumar: You'll never win this war!!!

Enough la tu Sivakumar. Mohd Nizar. Enough la.

There is no way you can win this war. You're not fighting BN (read: Umno) only. You are also up against all the might they can muster at their disposal. You're fighting the entire government machinery.

The police are against you. They have blocked the entrances to the state secretariat building. They placed truckful of FRUs there, just in case they need to pick up a few people (PR supporters la). The state police chief also gave a stern warning against any illegal gatherings there. Illegal means the gatherings by you and PR supporters la.

You have the public servants against you. The Assembly secretary, by the name of Abdullah "Luntong" Sabri was clearly in defiance of you. The state secretary acted as though he was the guardian of the State Assembly. Who is the state legal advisor to stop the state assembly secretary from issuing out notices for the emergency sitting?

You then have the Ipoh high court judge who ruled that your lawyers had no legal standing to represent you. He further said that you should be represented by the state legal advisor (ha..ha..that's suicidal)

Even you win in the Ipoh high court, you will still end up as the loser in the apex court in KL.

Worst still, KJ and his band of hooligans can resort to unimaginable gangster-type actions in preventing you from claiming what is righfully yours. Remember, Karpal "Singh is King" Singh, the Lion of Gelugor, who was transformed into a toothless paper-tiger. It's undeniable that this action is fully condoned by Umno leadership.

Worst still, Hamid "Al Blur" Albar, the Kodomo Lion of Umno, could put you out of action for 2 years in Kamunting.

Perak Assembly "sitting" near the State Secretariat in Ipoh today

Either way, you're at the losing end - either you're right or wrong.

Never mind that your government is legal or theirs is illegal. If you
and Mohd Nizar are locked up, who shall lead the crusade then?

Let's pray hard that HRH The Sultan gains the wisdom to finally let the people of Perak to decide on their future.

So Nizar's government is still legal after all

When launching the coup d'tat in Perak a couple of weeks ago, Najib and his sidekick, Zambri boldly declared:
"We are the legal government in Perak"
Meaning when you're legal, the other party is illegal.

What is really intriguing is that if the BN government under Zamri "the Zombi" Kadir is legal as claimed, their actions show otherwise. They acted as though Nizar's government is legal.

If they're illegal, why give a damn to what they do? After all they're illegal ma.

If they're illegal, why seek court injunction to stop the Assembly's sitting (today)? Their assembly sitting would be illegal also. After all it's convened by an illegal government ma.

If they're illegal, why lock up the state secretariat building? After all, an illegal government shouldn't use the building for illegal assembly ma. Any decision made by an illegal government is not binding ma.

If they're illegal, why run to London, crying to a Queen Counsel? After all, with or without the Queen Counsel's advice, they're illegal ma.

If they're illegal, why bother with the suspension of the MB and the 6 EXCO members? After all, the suspension is done by an illegal government is not binding ma.

If they're illegal, why must Abdullah "LAntong" Sabri care about Sivakumar's instruction? Just ignore him. After all, he's from the illegal government ma.

If they're illegal, why must Mohd Zahir Abdul Khalid served a notice of misconduct to Sivakumar, referring him to the Rights and Privileges Committee for his illegal action in suspending Zambri and the 6 Exco members? After all, he's from the illegal government ma.

Now, who's legal and who is illegal?

Only HRH The Sultan of Perak can help diffuse this confusion on who is legal and who is illegal. Nobody else can - not even the Court.
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