Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Dangerous move by Pewaris

abROcadabRO doesn't give a f**king damn to the NGOs in Malaysia - whether they are race-based or religion-based, whether they are internationally-affiliated or not, whether they are funded from outside or not, as the main motive of their existence is none other than to pool together the resources for common cause affecting individuals with the same interests.

The Chinese for example, may have the "Dong Zong" whose aim is to promote and upgrade chinese education. The Indians may have the MIYC fighting a good cause for the Indian youths.

The are probably hundreds or even thousand NGOs around. All of them are fighting for a cause, a good cause at least for the members or those sharing the same interests. Bruno Manser Fund (BMF); Centre for Orang Asli Concerns; St John Ambulance Malaysia; National Society for Autism; Society of Families of Persons with Learning Difficulties; Selangor Malays Residents Action Body; Malaysian Association for The Blind (MAB) among others.

But abROcadabRO thinks that the trend set by PEWARIS and Majlis Permuafakatan Ummah is very dangerous and could deepen the racial divide the country is now experiencing. They should relook at their objectives; and instead use Islam to promote racial harmony.

Their objectives contain racial overtones which don't bode well for racial integration. In fact, their initiatives are seen to further deepen the racial divide.
They aim to counter criticisms made against the Malays and Islam. In short, they plan to counter-attack criticisms made by the non-Malays presumably. There is nothing wrong with that, really. It's their right and obligations but their modus operandi is somehow scary.

By having roadshows nationwide - to counter-attack criticsims made against the Malays and Islam, explaining issues affecting the Malays, voicing their concerns over the belittling of the Malays, Islam and bumiputra rights .

Without doubt, their roadshows would gain tremendous support from the Malays (what better way to gain support besides defending the race and religion as the main agendas).

Without doubt, the support gained would lead to unity among the Malays.

Without doubt, unity among the Malays would lead to criticising and condemning other races and religions.

Without doubt, it may lead to trading insults and criticism with other races.

Without the slightst doubt, the nations agenda on racial integration and harmony would be put on the line; and worst still, may incite racial conflicts.

Check out this video for more.

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