Thursday, December 18, 2008
Sime to buy into IJN
"The Government had no objection to Sime Darby's request to acquire a stake the National Heart Institute (IJN)". So said Najib.
However, he said the company has to keep in mind that social responsibility must take precedence over financial gains.
Separately, Health Minister Datuk Liow Tiong Lai also said that the Government would continue to regulate fees at IJN even if the institute were to be privatised, to ensure patients are not overcharged.
abROcadabRO says:
This is madness, real madness and is getting out of hand. Already many essential services have been privatised. Each time an essential service is privatised (on the pretext of reducing the government's OPEX), a handful of "penyangak" becomes rich, extremely rich. But the poor rakyat suffers more.
Anwar, Kit Siang and Karpal should stop this like mad, if they truly have the rakyat's plight at heart, as claimed.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Malaysia, the 3rd riskiest country in the AP region.
According to the Hong Kong-based Political and Economic Risk Consultancy (PERC), Malaysia is ranked 14th out of the 16 Asia Pacific countries - below minnows like Vietnam, Cambodia and the Phillipines - in terms political and social risks.
Thailand is the the second riskiest country in Asia for 2009 with a score of 6.28, as the current political turmoil threatens to drag into 2009 and is eroding the country's key institutions. The consultancy projected Thailand's worst case scenario to be if the King of Thailand dies before the turmoil is resolved.
As for Malaysia, the third riskiest in the region, the report said the struggle for political power was aggravating racial and religious tensions.
"The status quo is changing in ways that will see a stronger political opposition than in the past," said the report.
Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia were ranked most stable and low in political risk for 2009 even though their economies are likely to be hurt by the global financial crisis, PERC said.
2. Australia @2.90
3. Hong Kong @ 3.23
4. Japan @ 3.70 (approx)
5. Macau @ 3.90 (approx)
6. Taiwan @ 4.70 (approx)
7. USA @ 4.90 (approx)
8. South Korea @ 5.0 (approx)
9. Vietnam @ 5.1 (approx)
10. China @ 5.2 (approx)
11. Cambodia @ 5.5 (approx)
12. Phillipines @ 5.7 (approx)
13. Indonesia @ 6.0 (approx)
14. Malaysia @ 6.07
15. Thailand @ 6.28
16. India @ 6.87
Friday, December 5, 2008
Al-Quran Sumber Perundangan Utama - Lim Guan Eng

Demikian antara ucapan yang disampaikan oleh Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng dalam majlis penghargaan kepada 102 orang penghafal dan pengajar Al-Quran yang memberi khidmat di negeri itu baru-baru ini.
Tepat sekali kata-kata Lim Guan Eng itu. Kalau semua berpegang teguh pada ajaran agama masing-masing, alangkah amannya dunia ini - tiada pengkhianat, pembohong, iri hati, tamak haloba, dendam-mendendam, rasuah-merasuah, fitnah-menfitnah, tuduh-menuduh dan tiada segala gejala negatif yang boleh merosakkan akhlak serta hubungan sesama insan.
Masyarakat kita boleh dikatakan sebagai satu masyarakat yang warak - kuat beragama - kebanyakannya berpegang teguh kepada ajaran agama masing-masing dan tempat-tempat beribadat seperti masjid, surau, kuil Hindu dan kuil Cina terdapat di setiap pelusuk, tetapi kenapakah di negara kita, hubungan antara kaum menjadi amat rapuh sekali, terutamanya selepas pilihanraya Mac lalu?
Kenapakah bukan Melayu asyik mempersoalkan hak-hak istimewa orang-orang Melayu, kedudukan bahasa Melayu sebagai Bahasa Kebangsaan, kedudukan Raja-Raja Melayu dan agama Islam sebagai agama rasmi, walhal perkara ini telah termaktub di dalam Perlembagaan Negara?
Kenapakah orang-orang Melayu asyik mempertahankan "Ketuanan Melayu" sedangkan itu merupakan konsep atau keadaan atau situasi semata-mata - tiada untung ruginya sama ada "Ketuanan Melayu" itu benar-benar dapat dicapai atau tidak?
Kenapa kekayaan negara masih lagi tidak diagih-agihkan secara rata, setelah 51 merdeka?
Kenapa DEB yang diperkenalkan untuk mengagih-agihkan kekayaan negara antara kaum masih lagi tidak mencapai matlamatnya?
Kenapa masih ramai lagi rakyat yang tergolong dalam golongan miskin, walhal kita boleh dianggap sebagai negara maju yang kaya-raya dengan sumber aslinya?
Bilakah negara kita akan melahirkan masyarakat madani yang bertamaddun, berakhlak tinggi, berintergriti yang bersesuaian dengan prinsip 'Amar Ma'ruf, Nahi Mungkar'?
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
How absurd is Pewaris?
"Representatives from an umbrella body of Malay and Muslim non-governmental organisations lodged five police reports Sunday over several issues which they claimed endangered Muslim and Malay unity". Read here.
Wonder what do they mean by issues that endanger Muslim and Malay unity?
- The deepening political divide between the Malay-based parties, namely Umno and PAS endangers the Malays and Islam?
- The triump of Pakatan Rakyat in wrestling power in Selangor, Perak, Kedah, Penang and Kelantan endangers the Malays and Islam?
- The waning influence of Umno among the Malays endangers the Malays and Islam?
- The rise of the new Malaysian race endangers the Malays and Islam?
- The increasing influence of the blogsphere in bringing down the BN in the March general election endangers theMalays and Islam?
- The BN loss of the two-third majority in Parliament endangers the Malay and Islam?
- The massive corruption in Umno endangers the Malays and Islam?
- The mounting abuse of power in Umno endangers the Malays and Islam?
- The failure of Umno in holding the Malays together endangers the Malays and Islam?
- The failure of Umno in realizing the Ketuanan Melayu concepts endangers the Malays and Islam?
- The failure of the NEP endangers the Malays and Islam?
- ............
- .......
- .....
- .
So what is endangering the Malays and Islam, dear Dr. Maa'mor Osman?
If the Malay race and Islam are endangered, don't you think it's the doing of the Malays themselves, via Umno, PAS, PR and other NGOs like your Pewaris? BTW when and how are the Malays and Islam endangered?
- To abROcadabRO's knowledge, the Malays and Islam have never been and will never be endangered, as their positions and status are deeply enshrined in the Federal Constitution.
Why are you waging "war" against the non-Malays, as they (the non-Malays) know jolly well the positions and status of the Malays, Bahasa Melayu and Islam are always safeguarded by the Federal Constitution?
If the Malays have yet to attain the status as a supreme race as desired, why blame the non-Malays for the Malays' failure:
- to enrich as much worldly-wealth as possible (BTW, you guys have the NEP to provide and support. Many Malays are super-duper rich due to NEP, you know);
- to equip themselves with all the knowledge and skills the world can offer;
- to produce smarter, more intelligent and hard-working children;
- to become more competitive in today's challenging environment;
- .......
- ....
- ...
- .
Why blame the non-Malays if Islam is losing its grip on the Muslims?
- What has the non-Malays got to do with Ayah Pin?
- What has the non-Malays got to do Lina Joy?
- What has the non-Malays got to do with banned Al Arqam?
- What has the non-Malays got to do with the Al Muamanah, Jemaah Islamiah, Al Qaeda, Al Muhammadiah and the likes?
- What has the non-Malays got to do with the increasing number of Muslims who skip their Friday prayer, who don't fast during Ramadhan?
- What has the non-Malays got to do with the social decay that's fast creeping up among the Malay youths?
- How many Malays have changed faith due to the influence of the non-Malays?
- Do the Christian, Buddhist or Hindu preachers go around preaching Christinity, Buddhism or Hinduism to the Malays?
On another note, Dr Maa'mor Osman and his cohorts may support the ISA for now, as they have not felt and emphatized the hardship and bitterness of being held against their will, without being charged, the physical and mental tortune and the absence of sunlight that people like Uthayakumar and his brothers and the 100-odd people who are being held in Kamunting undergo.
(pic borrowed without permission from Mob's Crip as it's nice)
Dr Maa'mor and his cohorts would definitely sing a different tune; and maybe much louder had any of their brothers, sisters, close friends or their love ones been a reluctant guest of Syed "Al Blur" Hamid at Kamunting.
Meanwhile, equally intriguing is Dr Maa'mor's Pewaris's action in making police reports against the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf), Gerakan Wanita chief Datuk Tan Lian Hoe and the Sisters in Islam.
Funny, does it? They have nothing better to do. Ka...........ka...........ka............
Against Hindraf. What's the motive? Ka........ka.........ka..........
Against Tan Lian Hoe for allegedly insulting the Malays? Ka.......... ka........ ka.......
Against the Sisters-in-Islam for its remarks on the National Fatwa Council’s edict against pengkid or tomboys. Ka..........ka.............ka..............
It's not that they have committed a criminal offence.
Please leave the police alone. Let them go after the murderer of Adik Nurin Jasman. Let them find Adik Nini who is still missing. Let them conduct better investigation on Altantuya's murder. She is rooting for justice from above.
PS - Dr Maa'mor, why was a police report made against the woman at the overhead pedestrian bridge? For shouting obscenities at Pewaris?
Dangerous move by Pewaris
The Chinese for example, may have the "Dong Zong" whose aim is to promote and upgrade chinese education. The Indians may have the MIYC fighting a good cause for the Indian youths.
The are probably hundreds or even thousand NGOs around. All of them are fighting for a cause, a good cause at least for the members or those sharing the same interests. Bruno Manser Fund (BMF); Centre for Orang Asli Concerns; St John Ambulance Malaysia; National Society for Autism; Society of Families of Persons with Learning Difficulties; Selangor Malays Residents Action Body; Malaysian Association for The Blind (MAB) among others.
But abROcadabRO thinks that the trend set by PEWARIS and Majlis Permuafakatan Ummah is very dangerous and could deepen the racial divide the country is now experiencing. They should relook at their objectives; and instead use Islam to promote racial harmony.
Their objectives contain racial overtones which don't bode well for racial integration. In fact, their initiatives are seen to further deepen the racial divide.
By having roadshows nationwide - to counter-attack criticsims made against the Malays and Islam, explaining issues affecting the Malays, voicing their concerns over the belittling of the Malays, Islam and bumiputra rights .
Without doubt, their roadshows would gain tremendous support from the Malays (what better way to gain support besides defending the race and religion as the main agendas).
Without doubt, the support gained would lead to unity among the Malays.
Without doubt, unity among the Malays would lead to criticising and condemning other races and religions.
Without doubt, it may lead to trading insults and criticism with other races.
Without the slightst doubt, the nations agenda on racial integration and harmony would be put on the line; and worst still, may incite racial conflicts.
Check out this video for more.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The emergence of a new trend..............
The trend has become more apparent each passing day. The trend I'm referring to is called making police reports.
Making police reports is not new. It has existed for many years or even decades or centuries but of late, especially after the March 08 general elections that plunges Malaysia into the political (and racial) turmoils, it has become more and more apparent.
Police reports after police reports were made. From mammoth issues to even small issues - some even petty or trivial.
Yes, Malaysia is a free country. Anybody can make a police reports anytime. The police are duty-bound to accept any report being made, but things have come to a state of absurdity, stupidity, insanity and other ty(s)...... that comes to ones mind.
Police reports are being made everyday, and many of them are petty in nature. It's OK if things are criminal or serious in nature, but many of these are petty - not even conceivable by normal human mind. Many of them are ridiculous.
When Tan Sri Khalid suggested that UiTM opened its door to all races, the Malays went wild. Some even made police reports against him.
When Lim Guan Eng included the Chinese and English names to the existing roadsigns in Bahasa in Penang, police reports were ade against him.
When Saiful couldn't get what he wanted from Anwar, he made a police report against Anwar, accusing him of sodomizing him.
When Ramlang Porigi claimed that he was forced to witness Saiful' swearing on the Quran, a police report was made against him.
When P. Bala made public his first Statutory Declaration, a police report was made against him for sedition.
When Tengku Adnan decided that the Umno HQ took over the conduct of the troubled Tanah Merah divisional meeting, the members had lodged a police report against him for alleged abuse of power.
When Teresa Kok was alleged to "drop" the jawi names from the roadsigns in Selangor, a police report was made against her.
When Tan Lian Hoe was alleged to have made a remarks on the Malay rights, a police report was lodged against her.
When the HINDRAF were demanding that the qualityof life of the marginalized Indians be given due attention, police reports were made against them.
When Ahmad Ismail allegedly called the Chinese pendatang (immigrants) during a ceramah in Permatang Pauh, a police report was made against him by Komtar assemblyman, Ng We Aik.
When Lim Guan Eng touched on matters relating to the NEP, crooked lawyer Abu Backer Sidek lodged a police report against him for making a “very sensitive statement”.
Analyzing these reports closely, most of these reports were made by individuals or organizations but one would wonder if these ridiculous reports were Umno-inspired.
Due to the high number of petty, ridiculous reports, one wonders no more why our police are too busy investigating these kind of petty issues than concentrating their time an effort in life-threatening and criminal issues.
No wonder the Government lost many high profile cases due to shoddy investigation, as the police had no time to conduct proper investigations.
No wonder Altantuya would never find justice for her murder.
No wonder Nini has not been found yet after missing since 9-Jan.
No wonder Nurin's murderer has not been caught after committing the heinuous crime 535 days ago.
No wonder only
39% of the 209,559 cases reported last year were resolved.And the last straw came from the so-called Heritage Associations, Malay Cultural Organisations and Related Bodies Cooperation Network (Pewaris).
Besides lodging police 5 (F-I-V-E) police reports against Selangor state executive councillor Teresa Kok, it also embarked onto even more serious issues which they claimed would endanger Muslim and Malay unity.
The group even went to the extent of asking for actions to be taken against:
- people or groups which sought to abolish the Internal Security Act (ISA).
- Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf),
- Gerakan Wanita chief Datuk Tan Lian Hoe for her recent remarks on Malays,
- Sisters in Islam on the National Fatwa Council’s decision on pengkid or tomboys.
Pewaris spokesman Datuk Dr Maamor Osman told reporters that the group of 30 NGOs would form a coalition called Majlis Permuafakatan Ummah to counter criticism against the Malays and Islam.
The action by Pewaris is considered as head-on counter action, and if left unchecked could further deepen the racial rift in Malaysia.
Talking about police reports, why don't these good-for-nothing people made police reports on:
- Sharil Samad for reducing petrol pump price by 15 sen each time, whilst increasing it by 78 sen in May 2008;
- PM Abdullah Badawi for doozing off in almost all meetings, seminars or conferences he attended.
- Shahrizat Jalil fo renegrading on her earlier agreement to accept the June 2009 transition plan with Rafidah;
- Anwar Ibrahim for giving the fed-up rakyat false hope on forming a new government;
- Lim Kit Siang for always pushing for emergency motions (though he never gets one) in Parliament;
- Perak Islamic Department Director for not in agreement with the National Fatwa Council on the edict to ban yoga among Muslims;
- many many more issue.
Don't you guys have something better to do other rather than being the work-horses of these political masters?
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
What is wrong with our race relations?
Of course, abROcadabRO is not “meraba-raba” (squeezing buttocks like JJ) but finding out and analyzing what has gone wrong with the race relations.
What could have been so wrong that the race relations is so tensed – everybody has become so ultra-sensitive towards comments made by another race, without looking from its objectivity?
What could have been so wrong that comment made by someone is interpreted as taking a swipe at another race?
What could have been so wrong that statement made by someone about any issue is taken as an attack on another race?
What could have been so wrong that all the major races in the country have become so defensive, to the extent that comments or statements made are seen as attacks towards one race?
Consider these situations:
- In order to regain the Malay support, Ahmad Ismail called the Chinese “kaum pendatang” during the Permatang Pauh by-election. Definitely by playing up the racial sentiments, one could have garnered the support from your own race.
- A non-Malay touched on the inequality of the NEP, the Malays become so defensive – threatening the non-Malays not to challenge the “Ketuanan Melayu”. A non-Malay challenged the Malays’ 30% equity, the Malays felt threatened by saying, “This is our land. You’re just a “pendatang”. You don’t like, you get out. We’re the “tuan”.
- Tan Sri Khalid appointed a Chinese as acting general manager of PKNS, the Malays protested, saying that PKNS was for the Malays and carried out some "spiritual activities".
While the Malays protested against the appointment of a Chinese as PKNS acting general manager, the Chinese fought back tit-for-tat.
- A non-Malay questioned the quota for the Malays in public universities, the Malays jumped from their seats, shouting “We’re the bumis. You’re not. We’re entitled for more. You take only what’s leftover”.
- When Keyveas questioned some Malay rights, Ali Rustam said, “If you don’t like it, get out of this land”. Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam wrote about the election of Barrack Obama, a black to the US Presidency, and Rejal Arbi and Jebat_Must_Die lost self-control, insinuating that Ramon was a racist.
- When a non-Malay claimed of unfair treatment, the Malays gave him an ultimatum, “Take it or leave it. Don’t ever question our “Ketuanan Melayu”.
- When a non-Malay claimed of being marginalized, the Malays resorted to threatening words such as “Don’t forget your roots. This is not your land. You just “menumpang” here”.
- When a non-Malay questioned the conduct of certain Malays, the Malays gave him a stern look right in the face with the message, “We’re the “tuan”. You’re the “coolie”. So shut up and just follow”.
Why has race relations deteriorated?
Many people may have their own views but abROcadabRO would attribute the situation to Umno's doing.Why? Because the Malays feel threatened that their monopoly on (power) politics has started to dwindle since the last general election when the oppositions managed to capture 5 states in Peninsula Malaysia.
Why? Because the support (from the Malays) for Umno was diminishing as Umno was not interested in running the country but the leaders at all levels were (and still are) so engrossed in enriching themselves and their cronies that they forget how to run the government (to regain the support from the Malays, what other issue to play up if it’s not racial issues?).
Why? Because Umno's leaders are known to be arrogant, self-centred, highly corrupted, insensitive, and gangster-type.
Why? Because Tun Dr Mahathir, in his effort to cling on to power, had knowingly or unknowingly, introduced the unwanted and unhealthy into Umno (money politics, cronyism, nepotism etc).
Why? Because Tun Dr Mahathir, wanting to extend his influence on Umno, had chosen a lame duck as his successor.
Why? Because Pak Lah is such a lame PM who can’t even control Umno, let alone the country - thus giving rise to heavy politicking among Umno leaders, the emergence of many political warlords, the emergence of the so-called “4th Floor Boys” who, in their quest to fulfill their own needs, had crossed the lines.
Why? Because Umno is a party that breeds corruption to the fullest, that another 100 years may not be enough to completely weed out this disease.
The situation has now become so critical that anybody who opens his mouth on any issue, is attacked and accused of being racist. Everybody has become so defensive. Everybody is accusing others as racists. Why is it so?
During Mahathir's rule, "I'm a Malay. You're a Chinese or Indian" things were subtle. Since Pak Lah took over, things came to the open; and became worst since the beginning of the end of Umno in the GE in March 2008.
The only way out – for the time being is to practise the politics of restraint - restraint from making comments or statements, saying anything about other races.
Let's see what the experts have up their sleeve with the upcoming Race Relations Acts.
Monday, November 17, 2008
So what is Feng Shui?
Let's talk about "feng shui", a millions years-old Chinese metaphysical study that is slowly but surely gaining prominence.
It is literally Wind Water in Chinese. For a practitioner or enthusiast, there is a lot of significance in the words Wind Water but to uninitiated it does not mean much.
Here is a common definition of Feng Shui. It is a Chinese metaphysical study that looks at the how the surroundings affect mankind – positive or negatively.
While this definition is correct, it is incomplete. Let me explain.
The definition implies that the nearby naturally occurring surrounding features - especially large ones – such as mountains and waterways somehow affect mankind. Also included in the list are man made structures such a lamp post, buildings, roads, high tension pylons, electrical substations, cemetery etc.
The ancient text says that when there is form, there is ‘qi’. The location, shape, size and distance of these natural features and artificial structures generate qi – both good and bad – that affect mankind. This is well known and is known as ‘Xing Fa’ or Form Technique. It is exemplified by the San He School and is popularly called, Form School. Read here for more.
Wanna to download the e-book about Chinese birth weight astrology by Henry Fong, click here.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Court frees RPK and condemns Syed Hamid


Welcome back, RPK.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Wecome to the world of idiotic morons, Hisham



Wrong, wrong, wrong. Hisham and Hamid still are but Shahidan "Ali Baba" Kassim is no longer in office. He has become such a sourgrape after being rejected by the Raja of Perlis for the MB post. Remember the dramas put up by him and his equally moronic brother. However, this could be Hamid's last term as Najib, the PM-in-waiting wouldn't want a person whose reasoning makes no cow sense at all to be his home minister.
They are all powerful people?
Correct, correct, correct. A keris-weilding person is not powerful meh? A person who can silence others off without having their right to challenge is not powerful meh? A person who gate-crashes the palace to show his appointment letter as MB is not powerful meh? If they were to team up, they could send shivers to any government, an monarch or any dictator in the world.
They are all intellectuals?
Wrong, wrong, wrong. They are not. In fact, they are all morons. Idiotic morons. They all have the brains in their asses. Their reasonings, their lines of argument are far from being intellectual. Intellectuals use facts and figures, while morons like them use their whims and fancies. Intellectuals think first before saying, while morons like them say first then think. Intellectuals argue with passion, while morons like them argue with emotion. Intellectuals use proper reasoning, while morons like them just pluck from the sky. Intellectuals make people look up on them, while morons like them make a fool of themselves and become a laughing stock.
Let's justify
Shahidan Kassim, the former MB of Perlis, still a sourgrape (I'm the rightful MB of Perlis) after being rejected by the Raja of Perlis, said:
- Zaid should repent for his remarks on the "ketuanan Melayu" (Malay supremacy) OR get out of the 'rumpun Melayu' (Malay grouping).
- He should have the Malay spirit and not question 'ketuanan Melayu' openly."
- Zaid "is a Malay and should be behaving like a Malay".
- if Zaid continued to question the Malay supremacy concept, then he should no longer be a Malay because as a Malay he should be defending the Malays and not running them down.
Zaid had recently said that the "ketuanan Melayu" concept was a failure and detriment to the Malay race, and that it had caused wastage to resources, energy and time needed to address the real issues in the country. Read his full text here.
If Shahidan knows the secret of getting out of the "rumpun Melayu", not only Zaid, many other Malay intellectuals who are as fed-up and disillusioned with the Umno's Malay supremacy propaganda would be running to him for the secret receipe.
Repent. What repent? Repent as in repenting to God for doing something very sinful? Repent for becoming an infidel for uttering such words? Repent for not defending his own race? Repent for running them down? Who is Shahidan in the first place? Is he the new mufti of Perlis? Is he more Malay than Zaid? Does living on firm ground like Zaid did make his less Malay that Shahidan?
If there is a need to repent, it's Shahidan. Has he forgotten the drama staged by him against the palace for rejecting him as the MB?
And how to behave like a Malay? Kiss the PM's dirty hand? Follow the leaders blindly? Ever ready to receive the "red packet"? Be contented with what you have and who you are? Talk about politics in the coffee shops days and nights? Forever expecting and waiting for government grants or any form of subsidies?
Next enter Syed Hamid "Al Blur" Albar, the man seriously lacking hair on the sunny side, who has never said something concrete and impressive during his tenure as home minister, who said:
- Zaid's statement showed that the latter was a traitor to his own race and he should apologise for his remarks.
- There should be no attempt to deny or tarnish the history of the struggle by the Malays.
- If you say that the concept of Malay supremacy has failed, then Zaid will not be what he is today. He is fortunate he was born a Malay.
So, Al Blur, Zaid is a traitor to the Malay race for speaking out the truth, huh? No wonder you have never spoken out the truth so as to preserve your Malay identity.
Is Zaid's position today the result of the "Ketuanan Melayu"? And what he is today is the result of him being born a Malay? Think again, Al Blur!!!!
And welcome to the world of idiotic morons, Hisham, who said:
- Zaid's statements are irresponsible, uncalled for and they contradict his position when he was in the Government.
- Perhaps he is trying to get himself expelled or punished, but I think the people can tell which leaders are genuinely sincere and consistent in their actions.
For speaking the truth, he's irresponsible huh, Hisham? For having different views from you, he's irresponsible huh, Hisham? Have you forgotten that he tried to bring about the reform in the judiciary but faced with obstacles and objections from his cabinet ministers? You could be one of them. When would you want to wake up, open your eyes wide to see what is happening in and around you and your "Ketuanan Melayu", keep your mouth shut to prevent your salive from oozing out?
If there is a person who should apologize, it's you, not Zaid, as it's you who contributed largely to the fall from grace of Umno in last general election. Your unsheating of the keris turned the tide of the rakyat support against Umno. It's your arrogance that lead to the disintegration of BN. It's your blind obsession with the "Ketuanan Melayu" that led to the downfall of Umno.
Other Umno leaders, the so-called keepers of the "Ketuanan Melayu" have joined the bandwagon in condenming Zaid. Muhammad "I dunno Inglish" Taib has joined the fray. So does Reezal Merican Naina Merican. Muhammad Taib can be excused for his poor command of English. But who is this Reezal Merican Naina Merican? Is he a Malay in the first place? Is he eligible to talk?
Worst still, some of them are clamouring for Zaid to get out (expelled?) from Kelantan and Malaysia. Here.
Who are they to make such a call? If there are such people who should be expelled, majority of them would come from Umno, the party which causes vast racial divide, the party which is synonymous with money politics, the party which is responsible for making the vast majority of the Malays poorer, while creating wealth for Umno leaders.
My sincere sympathy for Umno specifically and Malaysians generally for their karma for having such personality as leaders.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Hey, look who's talking?
A tok guru? A pious man? A martyr? Mr. Clean?
No, no, no.
Should the advice be given by the MB of Kelantan, President of PAS or Mufti of Perlis, one would not hesitate to abide, but not from the man :
- who's fond of doing showing vulgar sign like this:
or click on this video
- who's smacked with controversies like this:
- and this :
- and this as well:
who doesn't know where he stands,
who doesn't walk the talk but talk the cock,
who is a pot calling the kettle black,
who should be rid off by the power of the rakyat.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Rest in peace, Altantuya
Ab. Razak Baginda has been acquitted. Meaning he's not guilty. He didn't have a hand in your murder. That's what the court says.

With Razak's acquittal, the two Special Action Force (UTK) operatives, C/Insp Azilah Hadri and Kpl Sirul Azhar Umar have been ordered to enter their defence.
They said the affidavit made by Razak at the outset of the trial had cleared him of the abetment charge.
The court says, “In the absence of the rebuttal evidence against them, coupled with the fact that there is no legal onus for him to rebut any statutory presumption, there is clearly no reason for the statements to be ignored and rejected". Here.
It marks another low for the Malaysian's judiciary. But it also marks another high for the Executives' victory in determining the outcomes of the Judiciary.
How absurd.
Absurd because your real murderer could never be caught and sentenced.
Absurd because the two Special Action Force (UTK) operatives have been ordered to enter their defence.
Absurd because the two Special Action Force (UTK) operatives who acted on higher up's order, get caught, and subsequently charged. Definitely they did not act on their own. They had no motives. They must have received instructions for somebody. Unfortunately they got entangled with law but the real murderer got away scotfree.
Absurd because the two Special Action Force (UTK) operatives are being made scapegoats for higher up's greed and selfishness.
So, Altantuya, please remember this. "Do not ever get entangled with Malaysian's VIPs in your next life, if you ever cross path again".
And to Dr. Setev Shaariibu, it's God's will. He loves her more. Accept the fact that you can never seek justice in Malaysia. The murderer can get away from the worldly human laws but there's no escape from God's wrath.

Let's offer our prayer for her.
Altantuya, rest in peace.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Worrying trend set by Datuk Syed Ali
It's very worrying and troubling.

As it is now that racial integration in Malaysia is undergoing an acid test, this bloke with a pea-sized brain, says, "Teresa has challenged the honour of Malays by suing Utusan Malaysia as it is a newspaper owned by the Malays".
I can't comprehend what he's up to or what is his objective, but one thing that is very clear.
His action certainly add salt to the deep wound. What is puzzling is that it does not come from an ordinary Umno member but from a division chief.
Does Teresa challenge the Malays by suing Utusan Malaysia? Nope. Teresa sues the Utusan Malaysia, not the Malays. She has no problem with the Malays but with the Utusan who carried false report about her.
Challenging Umno?. Yes, Teresa is with DAP. She challenges Umno all the times. She challenges the Malays in Umno all the times. Not only the Malays in Umno, she also challenges the Chinese in MCA, Gerakan and PPP, inspite of she being a Chinese. But did she challenge all the Malays and all the Chinese as a whole? Nope. She only challenges the Malays in Umno. She only challenges the Chinese in MCA and Gerakan.
Syed Ali, what is "Challenging the Malays is similar to challenging Umno?". Do you mean Umno is Malay and Malay is Umno? So, only Umno represents the Malays? Then what about PAS? Are they not representing the Malays as well?
As a matter of fact, PAS represents the Malays better than Umno - a party infected by insentitive, greedy, stone-headed and arrogant individual like you. This is another reason why Umno must be rejected by all.
Who the hell is Datuk Syed Ali huh?
Just back from my self-imposed hibernation, and couldn't help but to comment on the folly of Syed Ali, the Cheras Umno chief, who, over the years has been trying very hard to be the new hero of Umno - without much success.
It's not unexpected of Syed Ali, the controversy figure always on the lookout for fame, irregardless of the issue.
In his latest folly, he launched the "Tabung Azan Utusan Malaysia" to help fund the daily against the lawsuit filed by Teresa Kok, the Seputeh MP.
Being a no ordinary man, this Datuk would have known the facts. He would have known that Utusan Malaysia's accusation was baseless, for it was dispelled by none other that the Nazir of the Kota Damansara Masjid himself.
What is he trying to do or trying to prove? His action is akin to "menegak benang basah" (putting a wet thread upright). If he wants to be an Umno hero (he tried many times in the past), be like Ustaz Hasan Basri. Right what is right and wrong what is wrong. No wonder Malaysians of all races, by and large, believe an Ustaz more than a politician. An Ustaz speaks nothing else but the truth, irregardless of race; but an Umno politican camouflages a fact with a lie.
If this Datuk is filty rich (which I believe he should be), then I suggest he establishes a fund for the hardcore poors who are not even guaranteed of their next meal, or a fund for the underprivileged children who have no roof for shelter and no food for survival, instead of splashing his cash on Utusan Malaysia (which is well-funded).
But special distinctive capability (of camouflaging) is found only in Umno - not elsewhere, otherwise how would one explains why it's in such a bloody mess.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
What is happening here?

This inhumane, barbaric and cowardice act definitely reaffirms popular insinuation that Malaysia has been turned into a police state.
What puzzles many is the fact that RPK was supposed to have his herbeas corpus application heard this morning. But fearing an embarrassing decision of the court, Syed Hamid "The Kodomo Lion" of UMNO - by virtue of him being the Home Minister, signed the detention order at the 11th hour - thus banishing RPK to Kamunting for up to two years and blatantly denying him of a judicial review by the court.
Being detained under Section 8 of the ISA, RPK now has no ground to get the court to review if his detention is lawful or otherwise.
What a gross miscarriage of justice. Wonder no more why public confidence of the Government is fast eroding day after day.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Hamid, Oh! Hamid
The Star, Sat 20-Sep
Here he's at it again, with his statements not befitting a person of high public standing, let alone a Minister, or the Home Minister, to be precise.
This is our very own Syed Hamid, making a mockery of himself and the Government, with such stupid statements:
- Police released Seputeh MP Teresa Kok from the Internal Security Act (ISA) detention as they were satisfied she was not a threat to public order.
- ...........her release from detention was not because police could not build up a case against her but because they were satisfied that she did not threaten national security.............. That was the principle behind her arrest and I believe that is also the reason why policy have decided to release Kok.
If she's not, why detain her in the first place? And released her after finding out that she was not.
Nevertheless, at long last I now have a clear understanding how ISA works.
- First, a person is suspected as a threat to national security.
- Detain her.
- Police intelligence investigates
- Found to be "clean"
- Release her.
- First, a person's life is being threatened
- Detain her
- Her life is no longer under threat (barely 20 hours later)
- Release her.
No wonder the resentment towards the BN Government is getting stronger each passing day if this is how you people in power invoke these draconian laws to silence off your political foes.
No wonder the call for a change in Government grows bigger and bigger, as the rakyat no longer trusts this BN Government.
No wonder more than 31 BN MPs are prepared to jump ship as they no longer have faith in this BN Government.
No wonder the rakyat is prepared to risk their future by accepting the Pakatan Rakyat, without knowing that the Pakatan Rakyat would fare better or worst, so long as the government of the day is not BN's.
No wonder the political tsunami hit the country as the rakyat couldn't bear another day under this absurd BN Government.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Raja Petra
Friday, September 19, 2008
To Love Malaysia is to Know Malaysia – Part 13
Your time's up. Let go of it, while you can, while it's not forcibly taken away from you.
The longer you hang on it, the more damages will be done.
What is there to hang on?
Money? You (and your son plus son-in-law) would have made enough to last a minimum of 20 generations, wouldn't you?
Power? With your money, power would come easily.
Face saving? What is there to save? It's not important anymore. Your "face" value has long gone.
Fear of prosecution? Follow the footstep of Mussyarraf. Negotiate an agreement for non-prosecution with them after you step down.
All are pointing to your end. Turn around and see for yourself.
Take heed of the advice of the UMNO MT. They asked you to let go voluntarily, didn't they? OR you're prepared face the risk of being dumped out in UMNO general assembly in December 2008.
Take heed of the opposition from your Ministers in opposing the use of ISA?
Take heed of the "voices of dissappointment" of MCA, Gerakan.
Take heed of the pullout of SAPP.
Take heed of the resignation of Zaid Ibrahim.
Take heed of the voices of the grassroots?
Take heed of the political impasse the country is facing.
Take heed of the financial turmoil the country is facing.
It's time you put your feet on firm ground and face reality. Get out of your denial mode.Do us a favour, will you?
- abROcadabRO -
To Love Malaysia is to Know Malaysia – Part 12
Teresa Kok released from ISA detention (Update 2)
Seputeh MP Teresa Kok was released from detention under the Internal Security Act at about 1pm on Friday, her lawyer Sankara Nair said.
He said she had called him and he was now on the way to the Jalan Travers police station here to meet her.
Kok, 44, is expected to give a press conference at the DAP headquarters in Petaling Jaya at 3pm.
Deputy Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar said that she had been released at 1.30pm after investigations showed there was no reason to detain her any further.
- Yes, Tan Sri. There is no reason to detain her any further. In the first place, is there any reason to detain her?
- Now that she has been released, it won't be fair if you don't rope in Khir Toyo as well. In fact, he should go in first, as he was the one who started the whole thing. Are you not going to do that because he's an UMNOputra?
- What about Sheikh? What is the reason to detain him? Is it because he hung the Jalur Gemilang upside-down? If YES, is hanging the Jalur Gemilang seditious?
- Malaysians, by and large, can't comprehend the reason; and they are expecting you to give a rationale answer this time around. Don't be a bloody fool once more. You can do better than your Minister.
- abROcadabRO -
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
To Love Malaysia is to Know Malaysia – Part 11

Zaid sticking to his decision to resign (updated)
PUTRAJAYA: Datul Zaid Ibrahim has set his mind on resigning from the Cabinet, citing his disappointment with “meeting a brick wall” from his own colleagues and party members on many of his suggestions for reform.
The former de facto Law Minister also said he did not want many of the problems arising from his proposals earlier to be a burden on Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi at a time when the latter had to grapple with party conflict and other challenges.
At least in UMNO there is one sensible leader who is prepared stick his neck out – a righteous, principled-man.
But the dungu PM is not taking heed from Zaid’s decision. But Zaid is not alone. Many other leaders are also against the ISA. It’s time to repeal it.
Some may sound tough, whilst some may sound like an advice; but it is clear that the voices are against ISA. It's not only them. It's the whole nation.
The 3 Ongs in MCA - Ka Ting, Ka Chuan and Tee Keat have all spoken out against it. Fong Chan Onn has lamblasted Syed Hamid “Kodomo Lion” Albar on his stupid explanation on invoking the ISA.
Softie Koh Tsu Koon has also spoken out.
So have MIC’s Samy Vellu and S. Subramaniam.
Shahril Samad had also voiced out.
Many many more.
So now how Pak Lah? They speak out for the entire nation.
Or you just want to leave it to Anwar to act on RPK and Teresa? Anwar claimed he already has the number. Read here for more.
To Love Malaysia is to Know Malaysia – Part 10
Show them the number, Anwar, if you have. What is holding you back? Get it done once and for all now. The sooner the better. Many Malaysians, like me, are getting impatient already. We have been yearning for the change since Dr. M handed over power.
Of late, they have done so many crazy and ridiculous things. Even my 5 year-old dog also can't comprehend. I'm not saying they did fantastic jobs before this but the latest incident diminished the last drop of confidence I had for them.
You see, they scooped up Raja Petra, a day after they lifted the ban on his blog, Malaysia Today. They claimed that he was a threat to national security. What national security can RPK threaten? Is he propogating insurgency? Communism? Is is propogating automonous rule or self-rule for any part of Malaysia? Is he assemblying a batallion of armed insurgents and arsenal of weapons to overthrow the government? No. What he did was to give his differing or dissenting views on issues that he thought was of national interest. Was it wrong to differ in views and to criticize?
You see, besides RPK, Teresa Kok was also in. Syed Hamid "Kodomo Lion" Albar, the most absurd Home Minister Malaysia ever had in its 51 history, said it was her role in the escalation of insensitive racial issues. What did she do? She rigorously defended the accusation levelled against her by another sour grape in Umno, Dr Khir "Tempe" Toyo that she demanded that a mosque in Puchong stopped using the loud speaker during "azan" time. That's all. And because of that, she was taken in.
They then picked up Tan Hoon Cheng, claiming that her life was under threat, for reporting the racist remarks made by the ever-recalcitrant Bukit Bendera Umno chief, Ahmad Ismail, only to release her 20 hours later (probably upon learning that how absurb they were).
Tan Hoon Cheng was a reporter; and she reported what Ahmad Ismail blurted out from his big mouth. An she was blamed to have incited the racial tension. Had she reported differently, she might have been accused of misrepresenting or twisting the facts.
What happened to the other perpetrators? Don't you think Ahmad Ismail, Azhar Ibrahim and Khir Toyo should be ISAed as well? Ahmad Ismail even had the cheek to proudly say he was going for roadshows nation-wide to explain the cause he was fighting for. Azhar Ibrahim, Penang UMNO secretary said that the reporter who reported Ahmad Ismail's remarks should be shot. Khir Toyo stirred up the racial sentiment by accusing Teresa.
Hairan bin ajaib. But the person who incited all these baseless allegations were not even ticked off, let alone ISAed
The sooner you take over, the better for us Malaysians. Nobody can bear even a minute longer. If you were to take over, at least I can be rest assured that this bloody devil is gone.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
To Love Malaysia is to Know Malaysia – Part 9
Sensing that the Ahmad Ismail Saga may get out of hand, I tried to refrain from commenting further, so as not to "add salt to the wound", as I thought "time will heal all ills" but it's obvious that this old saying is not always right.
But Ahmad Ismail's continued arrogance and his personal attack on Koh Tsu Koon during his press conference and the support given to him by Penang Umno leaders "forces" me out from my hibernation just to say a word or two - hoping that that small bit of mine may make a difference.
It's universally observed that nations deeply embroiled in racial conflict always end up either in extinction, broken up into smaller sovereign states or could never recover economically. The former Yugoslavia completely disappeared from the world map - broke up into Slovenia, Georgia, Croatia and others. The former great USSR disintegrated partly due to racial conflict. South Africa suffered a great deal due to racial conflict. Sudan has been plagued by famine due to racial conflict. Many others suffered the same fate due to racial intolerances.
No one in his right frame of mind would like to see this happening to Malaysia. That being the case, all of us Malaysians of all races and ethnicity, especially high office politicians must go all out - at all cost to Practise the Politics of Restraint.
Malaysia comprises of many races and ethnicity; they co-exist for centuries, they work together with each other and they need and depend on each other. One could never imagine how would Malaysia be without the Malays, or Chinese, or Indians, or Ibans, or Dayaks, Sikhs etc. It would not be Malaysia anymore. So, why would anybody wants to diminish this beautiful identity.
Living in a plural society like Malaysia requires lots of tolerance, restraint and understanding.
Let's be more tolerance with each other. Let's forgive and forget each other's mistakes.
Let's restraint from hurting and offending each other.
Let's be more understanding of each other's beliefs and practices.
Let's respect each other regardless of race and ethnicity.
Let's bear in mind and be always wary about the sensitivity of each other's race and religion.
Let's avoid condenming each other race and ethnic. If needs to, let's critisize each other's actions, not because one is a Malay, Indian, Chinese or Sikh.
Let's eliminate the politics of hate. Let's avoid racial tension at all cost.
In so doing, whenever and wherever we say unintentionally something wrong or hurting, apologize right away. Let's not wait for the PM or DPM to instruct us to do so. Let's not wait for the DPM to apologize on our behalf. Let's not allow our top leaders to stoop so low to diffuse the tension.
Let's not be so stubborn, defiant, stone-headed, arrogant and recalcitrant in our conduct. If you are in the wrong, just admit it. The world would not chastisized you for admitting your wrongdoing. The public despise stubborn, stone-headed and arrogant people. Furthermore, when you're in the wrong, stop giving lame excuses that even a 5-year old child couldn't accept. Everyone knows about "the historical facts". No need to remind them. It irks people more. They can also present you many other "historical facts" which you may not like.
Let's assume full responsibility for our actions. Whoever you're or whatever happens to you, you're 100% responsible. Don't blame your grandfather for being fat. Don't blame your father for being uneducated. Don't blame Koh Tsu Koon for the political upheaval in Penang. Don't blame Koh Tsu Koon for the routing of BN by the PR in the March general election. Stop the blame game. You're what you're. You're who you're. Blame yourself. Assume 100% responsibility.
Let's not aggreviate the matter by issuing threats. Let's not say "expel Gerakan from BN" or "don't push the Malays too far" or "don't steal the Malays' special privileges" or "a possible May 13 version 2" or "a lesson for the Malays to be united". All these are unnecessary. All these are not helping to diffuse the situation but worsen it instead. Let's not take it from individual wanting to become "heroes". Let's bear in mind that threat doesn't work. Threats only work on children.
Let's have some cow sense in dealing with people of different races, ethnicity and religions. Don't follow the footstep of the Penang Umno strongmen who gave their undivided but blind support to their colleague, knowing jolly well that he had erred. Support the right cause, not the person. If a Chinese made a mistake, other Chinese shouldn't support him just because he's a Chinese. Similarly, if an Indian did something right, all Malaysians, regardless of race, must come out to support him.
Let's work hard and strife further. Let's bring this country to the next level, regardless of who you are - whether Malays, Chinese, Indians, Sikhs, Dayaks, Ibans, Melanaus etc. Let's create wealth for the nation. If the Malays are rich, Malaysia is also rich. If the Chinese are rich, Malaysia is also rich. But at the same time, let's not forget the poor and the unfortunate ones.
Let's discard any ill-feeling, greed, envious, anger, hatred and dissatisfaction we have for each other, as these are the "evils" that are contagious in us that are telling us to go heads-on at each other's throats.
Let's do all these for our beloved Malaysia for our children to inherit.
- abROcadabRO -
Thursday, September 4, 2008
To Love Malaysia is to Know Malaysia – Part 8

Datuk Ahmad Ismail, the Bukit Bendera UMNO chief should be severely reprimanded and censured for calling the:
Many Chinese political leaders demanded that he apologized, some even wanted his “head” but he remained elusive and unreachable. He is nowhere to be found or seen - probably hibernating somewhere - doing some soul-searchings or finding answers for his brainless and insensitive one-minute remarks. He even skipped the scheduled interview with the police.
But where the heck is Ahmad Ismail? By keeping mum, it shows either he has no “balls” to own up to his mistake OR that is the real Ahmad Ismail – he is who he is – a recalcitrant, arrogance and insensitive person – a hallmark of UMNO.
Lessons learnt from the Ahmad Ismail Saga
Ahmad Ismail’s remarks reflect Umno’s inner stand on the “kaum pendatang". Otherwise, why would Najib say, "We will apologize. Umno apologizes", when it could have compelled Ahmad to apologize for his action. Umno's apology is very different from Ahmad's. Umno's apology makes no meaning, whereareas Ahmad's apology would make a world of difference.
Many may not accept this, many may dispute this, but a fact will always remain as one.
While it's good that Umno assumes accountability for the actions of its members, it also means that Ahmad is let off the hook. By saying, "I will tell him (Ahmad) not to do it again. You know in a campaign all sorts of things can come up. I don’t think he meant it. I’ll make sure to tell him not to use it again", Pak Lah is treating this issue very lightly; and only stopped short of saying, "Well done, Ahmad but "do (don't" do) that again".
Umno's apology is akin to a Malay saying, baling batu, sorok tangan (unleash a stone at someone, then hiding the hand).
Najib had this to say, but knowing him, he did not really mean it:
Najib and other Umno leaders are all lip-servicing politicians who say what they don't mean and mean what they don't say. Their words can't be taken as per se.
Unprecedented apology by Umno. UMNO has never apologized before for remarks, statements of the same nature. The heat must be really building up on UMNO until it made this unprecedented apology.
Known for its arrogance, Umno leadership had never apologized for its mistakes, let alone the mistakes of others. But this time around, it stooped so low in apologizing for the mistake of a small-time division chief. There were instances where junior ministers (from Umno la) ticked off senior ministers (from MCA, Gerakan and MIC la, where else) - without saving the laters' faces. The senior ministers had no choice but practiced self-restraint, as these junior ministers were from Umno and could one day became their bosses.
Probably Umno is revamping and rebranding itself. It may want to shed off its' arrogance-tag. It may have swallowed a very bitter pill in the March 2008 general election.
Ahmad Ismail’s hibernation is Pak Lah's ploy to save his neck. By apologizing, Umno assumes accountability. By not apologizing, Ahmad is absolved from shouldering responsibility for his action. By not apologizing, he is refuting the allegation and admits no guilt. So no action shall be taken any him.
Pak Lah's support is fast dwindling, after the March general election; and even faster after the Permatang Pauh by-election. More and more Umno leaders are distancing themselves from Pak Lah. Obviously, he doesn't want to offend or hurt more leaders, especially division chief like Ahmad Ismail.
Umno is more racist that any other race-based political parties. Umno could say anything racist but others can't. As the big brother in BN, it calls the shots. Others only follow. While its leadership forbids racist or seditious overtones, quietly and privately it's OK.
To the public, UMNO is not racist but Ahmad Ismail is. But in Umno, Ahmad Ismail is not alone. There are probably thousands more Umno leaders who are as racist as Ahmad Ismail, if not worse. Najib himself wanted to spill Chinese blood before. Hishamuddin and Khairy also wanted to soak the “keris” with Chinese blood. Many others have made even more seditious remarks or hair-standing threats before.
No action would be taken against Ahmad Ismail, if Umno still lives up to its reputation of being the “big brother”. Otherwise it would not be fair to Ahmad Ismail. Najib got away. Hishamuddin got away. Khairy got away. Nazri Aziz got away. Everybody got away. At worst, Ahmad Ismail would get is a severe reprimand.
Prior to March 2008 GE, Umno can do and say no wrong. “Small brothers” (MCA, Gerakan and MIC) can do no right. Yet when Hishamuddin and Khairy wanted to soak the “keris” with the Chinese blood, they did “right”. When Liow Tiong Lai protested, he was censured and severely reprimanded.
But now, fresh from the thrashing it received from the PR in the GE, big brother's treatment towards the small brothers may have changed. They may not be as arrogant anymore. The small brothers are now daring to speak out. Look at Lim Keng Yaik, Samy Vellu, Koh Tsu Koon, Ong Tee Kiat. They have all grown up or rediscovered their long lost "balls" - at last.
Ahmad Ismail is not the only racist in the saga. So are Dr. Thor Teong Gee, the Penang Gerakan Youth and Lau Chiek Tuan, Penang MCA deputy chairman and all those who relentlessly pursued racial divide by insisting that Ahmad Ismail to apologize.
Aren’t they racists as well if their persistent pursuit of Ahmad Ismail causes more racial disharmony?
Aren’t they racists as well if their persistent pursuit of Ahmad Ismail causes public disorder?
Would they be equally persistent had the culprit been one Lee Syai Tan or Ong Kam Beng? No, they won’t. Doesn’t that make them equally racist as Ahmad Ismail.
All of us, Malaysians, are racists at varying degree. Anybody, of any race, would be fighting for or come to the defense of his race when faced with tough decision-making. This can be attributed to our British colonial masters who succeeded in their divide and rule policy; and reinforced by Umno, our present political masters, who used "do-as-I-say, not do-as-I-do" approach in their master-servant relationship with other minor coalition partners.
But what differentiate all of us from people like Teong Gee, Chiek Tuan, Wee Aik and the likes is our ability to practice the “politics of restraint”, our ability to avoid the extremes, our higher tolerance level, our higher degree of receptiveness; and our higher degree of acceptance of the existence of differences.
Having said this, enough is enough la, Thor Teong Gee, Lau Chiek Tuan, Ng Wee Aik and others persistent pursuers of Ahmad Ismail. Our friend has suffered also la. Maybe he has been punished already. In fact, it was reported that his bungalow was torn down. Here.
Let the matter rest. Najib has apologized already, whether right or wrong. The more persistent you are, the deeper the racial divide will be. The more outspoken you are, the deeper the racial divide will be. The more racist you are, the deeper the racial divide will be. This is not the society you want your children to inherit from you.
And Ahmad Ismail. Are you not man enough to own up to your own words? What is wrong with just saying “I’m sorry”? Is it too difficult to say? Haven't you learnt your lesson already? Remember who you are? You’re an Umno Division Chief. You’re a former senator. You’re not a kuci rat. See before you leap. Think before you say. All well ends up well.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
To Love Malaysia is to Know Malaysia – Part 7
Friday, 29 August
Kuala Lumpur: The controversial Malaysia Today news portal was blocked by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (SKMM) because its editor ignored many warning letters, Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar said.
And SKMM COO said, “it is being blocked because we found that some of the comments on the website were insensitive, bordering on incitement”.
Saturday August 30
KAJANG: The Malaysia Today news portal has no respect at all for religion even though the topic is very sensitive and the "fire of religion" could cause chaos and havoc, said Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar.
abROcadabRO says:
Go ahead, Syed Hamid. Yes, you hear me loud and clear. That’s right.
Go ahead. Block Malaysia Today. It publishes libelous, slanderous and defamatory articles. Not only Malaysia Today. There are many more. They are as libelous, slanderous and defamatory as well. They should be blocked too. Check the blog directory. There are hundreds, if not thousand of them. Block them too.
Go ahead.
Tell the whole wide-world that you (and your friends in UMNO) credited your recent thrashing by the PKR in the Permatang Pauh by-election to the might of the writings of these bloggers, Raja Petra included.
Tell the whole wide-world that you (and your friends in UMNO) credited BN’s near-whitewash at the hands of the Pakatan Rakyat in the March’08 general election to the might of the writings of these bloggers, Raja Petra included.
Tell the whole wide-world that you (and your friends in UMNO) credited the change in the country’s political landscape to the might of the writings of these bloggers, Raja Petra included.
Tell the whole wide-world that you (and your friends in UMNO) fear the influence brought about by the writings of these bloggers, Raja Petra included, much more than the threats posed by PKR, PAS and DAP combined.
Tell the whole wide-world that you (and your friends in UMNO) stranglehold on power now hangs in the balance, largely due to the influence brought about by the writings of these bloggers, Raja Petra included.
Tell the whole wide-world that you (and your friends in BN) shiver each time truth is exposed and scandals unearthed through the writings of these bloggers, Raja Petra included.
Tell the whole wide-world that the arrogance, insensitiveness and “lupa daratan” in you (and your friends in UMNO) were checked largely due to the influence brought about by the writings of these bloggers, Raja Petra included.
Tell the whole wide-world that UMNO’s struggle based on communal politics is rejected by the rakyat due to the influence brought about by the writings of these bloggers, Raja Petra included.
Tell the whole wide-world that the BN coalition is disintegrating largely due to the influence brought about by the writings of these bloggers, Raja Petra included.
Tell the whole wide-world that Pakatan Rakyat is gaining ground among the new Malaysians, largely due to the influence brought about by the writings of these bloggers, Raja Petra included.
Tell the whole wide-world that these websites and blogs do not toe the line – unlike the main stream media which feeds the rakyat with distorted news and information – otherwise their licenses would be revoked, or have their editors-in-chief being summoned for brainwashing or lashing sessions by you (and your friends in UMNO).
Tell the whole wide-world that Malaysia Today is blocked as you (and your friends in UMNO) are still in denial mode and refuse to accept reality.
Tell the whole wide-world that Malaysia don’t give a damn to human rights, which provides for freedom of association, freedom of speech and freedom of expression.
Tell the whole wide-world that Malaysia don’t give a damn to the MSC’s Bill of Guarantees, which pledges no internet censorship.
Malaysia Today may be blocked, but to tell you the truth, online censorship doesn’t work. It only makes you (and your friends) look foolish and stupid. There are many other ways people can gain access to the portal.
Malaysia Today may be blocked, but to tell you the truth, Malaysia Today2, Malaysia Today3, Malaysia Today4 or something to that effect would be mushrooming in the internet; and to tell you another truth, they may be more aggressive and daring.
abROcadabRO @
Blog Archive
- What is happening here?
- Hamid, Oh! Hamid
- Raja Petra
- To Love Malaysia is to Know Malaysia – Part 13
- To Love Malaysia is to Know Malaysia – Part 12
- To Love Malaysia is to Know Malaysia – Part 11
- To Love Malaysia is to Know Malaysia – Part 10
- To Love Malaysia is to Know Malaysia – Part 9
- To Love Malaysia is to Know Malaysia – Part 8